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A blog to present your subscription offer

By 14 décembre 2016No Comments
Content is now king in your differentiation strategy. You would be wrong to miss this essential point ! You should now consider your blog as an entire acquisition tool, at the same level as your social networks or adwords campaigns. Even if it’s changing, too many companies are still missing this point in their marketing strategy. Discover some good reasons why you should set up a blog to present your subscription offer.

Promote your brand

The best way to talk regularly to your subscribers about your subscription concept and your brand.

Present your latest products and services

The easiest and nicest way to present your latest products and services is to talk regularly to your community.

Present your partners

Who says new products says new partners ! What is the best way to present your new partners than write an article on your blog and promote it on your social networks ?

Upgrade your community

You should definitely think about a dedicated space on your blog where your subscribers can talk and give their advice on your offer. This will also give you the opportunity to collect key points to make your subscription offer better.