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Subscription radar #1

By 3 février 2017No Comments
We come back in 2017 with a new bi-monthly meeting : the subscription radar. Discover every 2 weeks a selection of new subscription offers to simplify your daily routine and find good gift ideas.

Gourmet subscription : Illico Fresco

Illico Fresco offers delivery sack lunch, made of bio products. They come with a selection of recipes to cook fast and good at home. Discover Illico Fresco

Floral subscription : Bloom’s

Bloom’s offers a box made of freshly piked seasonal flowers. You receive a box every week with tips to compose your own bouquet and take care of it. Discover Bloom’s

Lunch Break subscription : Deliveroo Plus

Is is necessary to present Deliveroo and its service of food delivery ? But what you don’t know is that the firm is actually testing Deliveroo Plus in the UK : a monthly subscription, only £8,99, and you no longer pay delivery fees. Discover Deliveroo Plus

Travel subscription : Suppertripper

A very new, original and surprising concept developed by Suppertripper : a subscription to enjoy the best hotels over the world. Discover Suppertripper

Hairstyle subscription : When u want

We love that new concept of unlimited hairstyle ! Everything has been made according to your profile and needs. Discover When u want