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ZIQY’s clients

Par 15/11/2016October 31st, 2019Aucun commentaire

The subscription expert ZIQY works with over 50 clients in 5 countries. Discover them now

Ma cocobox : the little box with big ideas for kids from 3 to 7

Emma & Chloé : a new jewellery every month from a french creator

Designer Box : discover every month the best of french and international design

Run & Co : everything you need to feel good

Tiniloo : best products and ideas to awaken your kids

Bake box : easy and tasty pastry

Beautiful Box France, Espagne, Italie : a beauty box with a tuto and a beauty kit

Atelier Imaginaire : the craft box for kids from 6 to 8

My OM Box : all the universe from the famous football club Olympique de Marseille

Ma Flowerbox : every month a new and beautiful bouquet of flowers at home

My PSG Box : tall the universe from the famous football club Paris Saint Germain

Bleu Blanc Box : the unique box of french products sent all over the world for those missing France

Les petites cocottes : the best culinary heritage from french region

La ptit dej box : 5 to 7 products dedicated to your breakfast

Milky box : beautiful ideas to share nice moments of complicity

Plus Belle la vie : the famous french TV show at home

La petite Attention : any gift for your partner without any sulkiness

JDG Box : the box full of surprises for geeks

La bonne box : the best tasty box

Envouthé : monthly rendez-vous for tea lovers

My Petybox : a box filled with gifts for your dog

Hortus Focus : the box for every fan of gardening, beginner or expert

Gretel Box : create your own food box and eat healthy snacks

Yummy Box : the culinary workshop for all the family

Fromage & Affinités : discover every month amazing french fromages

Ma sweet mamma box : gift box with products for pregnant women, birth, baby. All products are BIO.

Our clients’ list is updated on a regular basis.