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Feature of the month : mailchimp module

By 23 novembre 2016No Comments
  Every month, find out about one of the flagship features of ZIQY, the intelligent, effective and innovative subscription management solution. It is our mailchimp model which we are putting in the spotlight today. A module which automates the management of your email campaigns according to your subscribers’ status.

Mailchimp feature : segment your database to communicate better

It is essential that you segment your database according to your subscribers’ status. This will enable you to communicate better with them. Indeed, segmentation forms an integral part of your communication strategy today. Learn how to circulate messages that are targeted according to your subscribers’ status.

Mailchimp feature : segment your database to develop your customer loyalty

By circulating messages which are adapted according to your subscribers’ status, you increase your chances of attracting them, converting them and winning their loyalty. And that is where the added value of the mailchimp module lies. Once you have created your lists in mailchimp, the ZIQY solution automatically synchronises your subscribers’ status every evening. For example, you have created a “Subscribers” list, to whom you send a monthly newsletter. Each time a new subscriber signs up to your offer, they will automatically be added to this list. They will therefore receive the information that you regularly circulate to your subscribers. If a subscriber stops subscribing to your offer, they will automatically be transferred to your “unsubscribes” list. They will then receive messages that are written for the unsubscribes. It is up to you to work out how to set up targeted messages which will encourage them to resubscribe to your offer. You will have understood that the mailchimp module integrated within the ZIQY solution is an excellent means of communicating the right message, at the right moment, to the right target. Your customer loyalty strategy can only be strengthened by it. Click here to read our article on the gift card module