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Nouveaux clients ZIQY #3

Ils sont tous nouveaux, tous beaux : ils ont rejoint ZIQY ! Découvrez leur offre d’abonnement et comprenez pourquoi ils ont choisi de travailler avec la solution de gestion des abonnements ZIQY. Abonnement gourmand : Gretel Une box gourmande, 100% personnalisable, composée de snacks healthy. Découvrez Gretel par ici Abonnement jardin : Les petits radis […]
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How can you minimize your churn rate ?

Have you launched your business by subscription or are you thinking about launching it soon? Then you need to know that churn rate or the attrition rate is a key element to your company’s success and growth. Tips and tricks to maximise your client loyalty and to reduce your churn rate with the ZIQY subscription […]
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Subscription radar #1

We come back in 2017 with a new bi-monthly meeting : the subscription radar. Discover every 2 weeks a selection of new subscription offers to simplify your daily routine and find good gift ideas. Gourmet subscription : Illico Fresco Illico Fresco offers delivery sack lunch, made of bio products. They come with a selection of […]
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Le radar de l’abonnement #1

ZIQY revient en 2017 avec un nouveau rendez-vous bi-mensuel : le radar de l’abonnement. Découvrez tous les 15 jours une sélection de nouvelles offres d’abonnement pour vous faciliter la vie et faire plaisir à vos proches. Abonnement gourmand : Illico Fresco Illico Fresco propose des paniers repas en livraison, composés de produits bios et frais […]
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Why incorporate a subscription offer into your marketing mix?

The subscription economy is up and running! We are moving from an acquisition economy to a functional economy. Consequently, traditional and ecommerce companies must shift their attention to the future of consumption and adapt their business model to their customers’ new expectations: simplicity, freedom and personalization. The subscription business model is perfectly suited to these […]
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ZIQY helps companies to transform their business model

1 million euros to help traditional companies ecommerce companies to implement effective subscription management systems. ZIQY is a Paris-based French start-up created in February 2016 by David Azoulay, a 34-year old entrepreneur, expert in the issues surrounding e-commerce and subscriptions.   In a fast-growing functional economy, where ecommerce, online subscriptions and the leasing of services […]
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