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Optimise your subscribers’ experience with ZIQY

By 23 novembre 2016No Comments
  User experience is at the heart of all today’s discussions. It has become an integral part of your marketing action plan. A relevant differentiation support and a powerful customer loyalty development tool. Find out how to give your subscribers a great experience.

Subscribers: what is user experience?

The term UX comes from the English User Experience and represents the user’s emotional response towards an interface, object or service. It really is a question of talking about your customer’s emotions:
  • do they like your website?
  • the mobile version?
  • the newsletters that they receive?
  • the tone that you use on social networks?
The experience that you give your subscribers today is omnichannel: both via your interfaces and at the same time via the product or the service that is consumed by subscription.

Subscribers: steps that lead to a powerful experience

Offer optimized web and mobile interfaces

Nowadays you should be thinking mobile first. In October, mobile devices made up 51.3% of internet consultations, as opposed to 48.7% on desktops. Your web interfaces include your website, the mobile & tablet version, your newsletters, your social networks. To put it simply, any type of digital communication. These interfaces constitute your key selling points! Do not neglect them and think continuous improvement. Click here for the 10 user experience trends of 2016

Deliver an effective After-Sales Service

There are now numerous ways to deliver an after-sales service which is adapted to your subscription business: BOT system, use of social networks, implementation of dedicated supports. The after-sales service is as important as the service before and throughout. Ensuring customer satisfaction throughout the purchase process is a key factor of your success. Click here for the 5 golden rules of effective After-Sales Service Click here for the 2015 customer relationship prize winners

Develop adapted communications

Do not send the same messages to the new subscribers who have just signed up as you send to your loyal subscribers! The segmentation of your databases and therefore your messages is now essential. Click here to find out about the ZIQY mailchimp module: ideal for your segmentation Click here to read the white paper on how to implement an effective segmentation strategy