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Develop your subscribers loyalty with ZIQY

By 3 novembre 2016No Comments

Why retain your subscribers?

Retaining your subscribers should be a key part of your marketing strategy. To put it simply, there are lots of advantages to retaining a subscriber:
  • Reduce your client acquisition costs
  • Capitalise on qualified contacts
  • Better manage your budget by anticipating your revenue
  • Dedicate more of the budget to developing your subscription brand
  • Make conversation and gather feedback on your products more easily
  • Maximise the commitment of your subscribers (a committed subscriber is far better because they will be a better brand ambassador)
Discover some of the brands offering a good loyalty programme

How to retain your subscribers?

Even if the retention part seems tedious, there are now lots of ways of implementing an effective retention strategy. Here are some measures you should develop:
  • Automate the subscriber relationship: Nowadays, marketing automation techniques should be at the heart of your retention strategy. They allow you to make a connection with you subscriber base and send different messages depending on the statuses of you subscribers (you would not address a subscriber who has cancelled their subscription in the same way as a subscriber who has already been committed for 3 months).
  • Be active on social networks: Nowadays, social media is crucial for promoting your brand and maximising client retention. They are an excellent sales promotion channel and also allow you to keep in contact with your subscribers on a daily basis and gather their feedback on your various offerings and news.
  • Offer a selection of promotional materials (loyalty cards, exclusive sales, newsletters): Promotional tools are an excellent way to attract subscribers and keep them happy!
> Bear in mine that you must provide your subscribers with a good experience to encourage them to come back and talk about your brand as much as possible.